It is definitely a girl!

So after Erin's doctor appointment on Monday we were a bit concerned. No problem just that two doctors had now cast doubt that the baby may not be a girl. We wanted to be positive of the sex so we can move forward with decorating the baby's room and so we can start buying baby stuff!
So Erin made an appointment to have a 4d scan done. We were very fortunate to be able to take my Mom, Dad, and Erin's Mom with us. It was something else. Just amazing to see our little girl squirming around. I teared up quite a few times but was able to hold back the water works. I am just so happy that we are going to be parents! I can't wait to see you baby girl!


Anonymous said…
Very nice guys! I am so happy for you!

mooTi22 said…
It's so exciting to actually see your baby girl! Thanks for the pictures. :)
erineprosser said…
the girl's got some cheeks on her, that's for sure!
David Prosser said…
Thank you Rich and Cari, we cannot wait! It was a truly amazing experience to see our baby girl. The tech that was performing the ultrasound was really nice to, so it made for a pleasant time. I can't speak for Erin though. They were not jiggling my belly to try and get the baby to move her feet away from her face!
Anonymous said…
WOW!! how amazing to see her like that,makes me tear up i'm jealous thanks for sharing it with all of us we can't wait for her to get here!!

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