So far So good on the new computer

So Erin and I decided to purchase a new iMac this past weekend. I have been hemming and hawing about it for a while now and with the release of the new operating system Leopard I thought it was a good time.

I wish I could say it has been peachy but so far this thing crashes more than any computer I have ever owned. This is my first mac but I have never had these types of problems with a PC. Crashing aside I do love the functionality that is there.

For example, iMovie. I have never done any type of video editing before. So I started messing around with iMovie today and all I have got to say is wow! It is so simple to use and the way that everything works together is simply amazing. From importing movies, to editing, to posting directly to Youtube, it is one of the coolest programs I have messed around with in a while.

It doesn't stop there either. The new mail program, quick look, cover view, color me impressed. Now if I could just get it to quit crashing and for it to work as my network print server than all will be good.


Clay Newton said…
Hey man,

I am surprised your mac is crashing right and left! Weird. Mine almost never crash, but of course, I have not installed Leopard yet (I will be tonight).

iMovie really does make it easy.
David Prosser said…
Yeah lots of crashes. But I did an archive and reinstall the other day and that has cut down the crashing considerably.
Man Leopard has some really sweet features though you are going to dig it!
Interestingg thoughts

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