Taiwan 2013

I can't remember if this was my 11th or 12th trip Taiwan. The first trips were exciting. Going with friends from the office. Then the office closed. Trips were a lot lonelier until Erin came along a couple of times as well as Aki and Mario. The last two or three years I have been by myself but it has been fun. In my off time I have been more outgoing. Trying to see places outside the city. I am 100% comfortable going anywhere on the MRT (Think Bart). Also as long as you carry a card to your hotel you can never really get lost.

Complete Set of Taiwan photos on Flickr.

Lit Up

Much Better View

Just Before the Rain

This year I went to the Thermal Valley in Beitou which is about a 20 to 30 minute ride on the MRT from my hotel in Taipei in the Daan district. What a beautiful place. Clear stream, great hike, and plenty to see. My original plan that morning was to head to the coast and a small town called Jiufen. But it was raining ever so slightly and I had no idea what the conditions would be like on the coast. So with the help of some great maps given to me by Sabrina from our office I decided I would go check out Beitou. I got a solid 15 to 18 mile hike in and saw quite a bit. From geothermal hot springs, jungle mountains, and amazing insects and reptiles.

Thermal Valley

Who is following me?

Old Taiwan Bank Dormitory

These Damsel Flies can't get enough

One Tough Lady

The Bride


Beitou Public Hot Spring Museum

Night of the Comet

Kitties at the Temple

Needed My Wide Angle

Passing By

Nangang Pano


Next year the plan is for Erin and Kaya to go and we can also hopefully coax our good friend Stacy into going. Looking forward to more adventures in Taiwan.


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