Sonoma Canopy Tours Zipline Adventure

As a dual birthday gift for both myself and Chaz this year, we treated ourselves to a great adventure over in Occidental. Sonoma Canopy Tours is a zipline adventure high up in the tree tops that takes you through seven different zip lines.

What a view

Don't Fall

It was a blast! I cannot thank Desiree and Chaz enough for the gift and the great time. I also received a new GoPro for my birthday so both Erin and myself were filming the entire trip. It has taken me some time to finish editing over four hours of video but I finally wrapped it up today. I hope you enjoy! All comments welcome!

This is the full movie showing all seven zip lines.

This is the trailer I made on iMovie right after.


Ready to go

They did AMAZING!

Everyone Smile!

Cool Bridge


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