Into the New Year

Christmas came and went. It snuck up and the next thing I knew, poof, it was gone. It was fun while it lasted and I am positive Kaya had a great time.

Ready for Christmas

Ready for Christmas

Lil Sunshine

Lil Sunshine

New Pink Kitchen!

New Pink Kitchen!


NERF Battle!

So far this year we have had some un-seasonably warm weather. We have taken advantage of this by going to the beach and hanging out in San Francisco. The exploratorium, wave organ, places I would not really want to visit in typical rainy cold January weather.
I actually felt guilty for enjoying a sunny warm day at the beach with our close friends Chris and Jeff. Grifter and Dasher got to run and play. Although Grifter's listening skills when off leash and around others are not great, he still got to do a ton of playing before having to be put back on his leader.

Dancing Water

Dancing Water

The Wonders of Cornstarch

The Wonders of Cornstarch

Blowing Bubbles

Blowing Bubbles

Big Bubble

Big Bubble

So Many Kayas!

So Many Kayas! 

Peek a Boo

Peek a Boo

Social Experiment

Social Experiment

Dancing in color

Dancing in Color

Getting blown over

Getting Blown Over

Windy day by the bay

Windy Day By the Bay

I'm on a boat

I'm on a Boat

Wave Organ

Wave Organ

Mama & Kaya warming up

Mama & Kaya warming up. (Photos courtesy of Chris)


Buddies Dasher & Grifter (Photos courtesy of Chris)

Come Grif!

Come Grif! (Photos courtesy of Chris)

We also just celebrated Erin's Moms 60th Birthday. Erin went through a lot of trouble to plan a surprise party for Margie. She invited all of her closest friends and family, made her favorite desert (Creme Brûlée), and handled all decorations and reservations at a local restaurant. Erin also gathered some rather funny photos of a younger Margie that she and our close friend Chris then added funny captions to and set out on each table. Chris played chauffeur and a very pivotal role as Margie thought all that was attending dinner was Chris, Jeff, Erin, Kaya, and I. It was a fun time and I believe everyone enjoyed themselves.

Happy 60th Margie!


2012 is here and I am already stressing out. February and March are going to be hectic for me. Two trade shows in a row literally. I will be gone the first half of March. Not looking forward to being away from my family.

This year it is really bringing home how much has changed in my life. Friendships I had that are either changed or no longer there. The friends I do have are more acquaintances, nothing like the friendships I had when living down south or from my younger days. To say that this saddens me would be an understatement. Thinking back to my childhood and my parents I guess they really had no close friends either. So is it important when we are older to have those types of relationships after you have children? I don't know. Erin is my best friend and I know she will always be there and Kaya is my light. But not having the friendships I had is lamentable. I don't typically care to share my feelings but for me, writing this has been very cathartic. Onward and upward from here on out.


cool photos!!!

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