The Haps

Wow a new year. Kaya got to have her first real Christmas (I don't count last year as she was just a little lump then). She was really into opening gifts. So much so that if you did not pay attention she would definitely get into your stash as well! It was so exciting for Erin and I to see how excited she got over all the new toys she got from everyone (Thank you everyone, family & friends for making it so special for her!).

This One Is Mine!

Ready to open.


Playing with her toys.

Party Dress

Kaya all dressed up for Erin's 4th annual Devita Drive Holiday open house.

Kaya and Aunty Leona

Kaya and Aunty Leona.

Grifter Dog the world's best dog!

Grifter sporting his winter clothes.

New years was a blast as well. Dusty came up and we had brought in the New Year Rock Band style. Kuhntown was in full effect and we all had a great time. Even Aunt Cari and Jake got in on the action, mouth breathing and all!
We also had a few more firsts for Kaya. She walked for the first time on Erin's birthday and had her first trip to both the zoo and the aquarium (Steinheart that is, her 1st aquarium visit was actually in New Mexico).

Products of the 80s

Valley People.


Kaya and Mama having a good time.

Underwater Kaya

Playing underwater style.

Ooohhhh Pokey

Touching a Starfish.

Why Am I Waving?

Sand Dollars.

Teletubby House

Living roof.


Aquarium donors.

Lot of Fish

Break time.

Fun, Fun, Day!

SF Zoo Day.

Sweet Kisses

Kaya kissing Mama before riding the carousel.

Mama and Kaya 1st Zoo Trip

Ready to see some animals!

She is Calm!

Wow she is calm!

1st Carousel Ride

Kaya's 1st carousel ride, she loved it!

Twisted Gate

Finally downloaded the rest of the New Mexico images. I like this one.

So far this year is shaping up to be a good one. Tahoe in a couple of weeks then Hawaii in April. Thank you again Erin, you pulled off possibly the biggest surprise you have ever given me and I love you more than ever!

This was from the first Snowboard trip of the season. Chaz and I tearing it up.


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