Fun, Fun, and more Fun!

Thank you to our family and friends for keeping us busy over the last couple of weekends. Baseball game, golf outings, camping, bike riding, the list goes on and on!

Kaya's first Giant's game. Thank you Desiree and Chaz for taking us!

Kaya's First Giants game

Kaya's First Giants game

Giants Day

Camping at Sugar Pine.

Kaya in Grandma's homemade tub

Yum, Spatula



Bug Tearing up the Forest

Surreal Reflection

String of Pearls


Sunrise on the Dam

In Focus

Out of Focus

Lonely Ride

Desiree and Chaz Lake Hike

Chaz and Desiree Hanging out

Who? Me?

Mark and Erin playing a dumb game


Packed up and heading home

How Cute


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