What is Next?

I am done with Kitchen hole project finally! Barring a little paint touch up it is finished. I think it came out pretty good. Erin, Margie, and I have all put the new bar to good use already. After bring the home computer back in from the office we can now get on the internet without having to look at our tiny iPhone screens.
Today I layed down some more plywood up in my attic and straigtned up a bit up there. I would really like to finish the attic one of these days. It would not make a liveable space but it would make a great storage / child cage for when Kaya is bad.
Next on the list a few much smaller projects. Turning the old built in Ironing board into a spice / storage cabinet, installing a water line to the fridge so we can make ice, and making sure Kaya does not drown the house with her drool.

Hole 3

Hole 2

Hole 1

Pendants 1

Trim and Texture

Friday Erin and I drove over to Walnut Creek to visit with Wendy and Kai. It was my first time meeting Kai. He was born almost a month after Kaya. He is super cute. His eyes are gigantic. I tried to take a few photos of him but low light and fast baby again. Time to change to six shot bursts.

Kai 1

Look at those eyes. I had a bunch more photos of him smiling but they were all a little too blurry.

Hold ON Mama

Baby Bug and Mama.

Other than that not much else going on. Kaya, Grifter, and I went on a walk today. I figured it was so warm and the rain looked like it was still a ways off so better take advantage. A real test is ahead for Margie and Erin. I am off to Taiwan in a couple of weeks, we'll see how it goes!

Grandma and Kaya

I swear I will be good for you Grandma when Daddy is in Taipei!


Anonymous said…
Kitchen looks fabulous!!!! Of course I envy the decore and wish I had the sense of style you and Erin have! Especially love the lamps! Brilliant choices! Can't wait to meet Kaya this month when your globe trotting!

erineprosser said…
why does it look like my baby has "spok" ears?
Anonymous said…
I never thought i would ever say this, but David you have a nice hole~!!

David Prosser said…
Thank you Shelly. Kaya has become a tad bit of a screamer I hope she loses this habit before you come.

Kaya DOES NOT have Spok ears. She has the cutest best ears in the world.

Common Rich, I am not the first person you have told has a nice hole. What about all those Trannies at the Power Exchange? Zing!

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